Uncle Charlies History
Over a hundred years ago, one of the founders, Gus (Charlie) Galeotos namesake of our restaurant, opened a coffee house on 15th Street, across from the Cheyenne Railroad Depot. Business blossomed, and his brother Sam Galeotos, arrived in 1910 and joined in the business. Peter Galeotos, another brother, arrived in 1914 and in 1916 they established a candy company located near the Inter-Ocean Hotel, located on 16th Street where the Hynds Building now stands. A fire in the hotel moved them across the street, next to the Atlas Theater, and they operated Athens Candy Company, until a second shop at 1609 Capitol Avenue was opened. The brothers made homemade candies and ice cream. A soda fountain was located in the candy shop, and deliveries of ice cream and candy were made by horse-drawn wagon. In September of 1927, the Athens Candy Company relocated to 100 W. 17th Street, the corner of Seventeenth and Central, and a café and delicatessen was added. The Athens became the Blue Bird Café after remodeling in 1938 when the City of Cheyenne began issuing liquor permits, a tavern was added to the restaurant. In the 1970s the Blue Bird continued as a package liquor store until Uncle Charlie’s Restaurant, Tavern and Liquor Store was conceived and opened by the son’s of founder Sam and Helen Galeotos in 1976. The Galeotos Family continues in the business, to this date. We welcome you to our grill and tavern, where we continue to offer great food and a warm relaxing environment for you to unwind, or just enjoy spending time with family and friends.